Culture as a Driver of Innovation
THE CROSSING(Intro text)
The Crossing Experience Delna P. Besonia, student, Mumbai, December 2002
Pushing the LimitBusiness World, New Delhi, May 2001
Knowledge EggThe Hindu, High-tech, New Delhi, January 2002
Xerox Embedded Technology: From fiction to scienceThe Financial Express, Delhi, New April, 2001
Marrying tradition to technologyThe Hindu, New Delhi, April 2001
Attn, Kashi has just moved to New York!The Pioneer, New Delhi, April 2001
Bridging a Different DivideThe Pioneer, New Delhi, April 2001
Finally Computers get ReligionThe Nation, Bangkok, 2006
Sasthram, Charithram SamanwayamMalayala Manorama, New Delhi, July 2005
Wisdom should be accessibleThe Week, Mumbai, February 2005
Reversing the Digital DivideInteraction Design Institute, Ivrea, Italy, January 2003